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Contact Us!

The Hong Kong Youth Epidemiological Study of Mental Health (HK-YES)

The “Hong Kong Youth Epidemiological Study of Mental Health” (HK-YES) is a youth mental health research project, with the aim of understanding different aspects of our teenagers and young adults aged 15-24 in Hong Kong, such as their mental health, living habits, social life, educational endeavours, daily life, as well as their habits of using mental health services etc.


Our society evolves at a rapid rate in this day and age. We really hope that, through completing our survey of the project, our young participants will be empowered to gain a better, more comprehensive understanding of themselves, e.g. mental health, cognitive abilities, social skills; in order to brave all avenues of life.

「YES Online」

HK residents aged 12-24 who would like to join the study online and receive a personalised report (*currently only accepting Cantonese speakers)

YES for All to YES online plan (3).png
YES for All to YES online plan (4).png

「YES for ALL」

Anyone who would like to do the surveys online anonymously and receive a personalised report

Wanna know thyself more?


Any questions about the project?

Contact us through email at, or leave us a message below:

Thank you!

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